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The most active #online stores are changing  #SKU  prices, up to 10 times a day,.....

The most active #online stores are changing  #SKU  prices, up to 10 times a day,.....

using algorithms that #monitors the #competition; the stocks and the traffic. When a producer or a  supplier entrusts his products to an e-store, he quickly loses control of the selling price value. In a sense, as with the offline trade, the retailer has full decision power over the selling price.......

Stock out = Lost sale

Stock out = Lost sale

It is so true that #brands and industrialists spend fortunes in merchandisers to visit the shops and watch the facings. How's it going in the new economy?

Can an #SKU disappear from a shelve ?

Can an #SKU disappear from a shelve ?

Yes definitely if it is unlisted or momentarily if it is out of stock. So says  the experience of the #category manager at off-line #store. In the new economy.the image a product can disappear from #e-store page  for a dozen of other reasons:

The paper leaflet resists the digital wave

The paper leaflet resists the digital wave

Major retailers are struggling to give up paper, which is very popular with consumers, especially in rural areas. The digital comes in reinforcement.

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